Year-Round Lawn Care: A Seasonal Guide for Your Region

Looking for a simple yet effective way to maintain a healthy lawn throughout the year? Whether you’re new to lawn care or a seasoned pro, this month-by-month guide will help keep your lawn in top shape.

January – March: Winter Preparation and Upkeep

January – March: Winter Preparation and Upkeep

  • Vancouver Island: Take advantage of the mild winter by aerating to relieve soil compaction. Overseed with cool-season grasses to patch any bare spots.
  • Lower Mainland: Protect delicate plants from frost with frost cloth or mulch. Prune dormant trees and shrubs to encourage spring growth.
  • Okanagan: Clear snow from walkways and driveways to prevent accidents. Apply dormant oil spray to fruit trees to control pests hiding over winter.

April – June: Spring Growth and Care


  • Vancouver Island: Start mowing regularly as the weather warms up, but avoid cutting the grass too short to retain moisture. Apply a balanced fertilizer and address moss or thatch buildup.
  • Lower Mainland: Monitor soil moisture and adjust your watering schedule as needed. Stay on top of early-season weeds with treatments or manual removal.
  • Okanagan: Plant warm-season grasses for a lush lawn by summer. Prune flowering shrubs after they bloom to keep them in shape and promote new growth.

July – September: Summer Care and Hydration

July - September: Summer Care and Hydration

July – September: Summer Care and Hydration

  • Vancouver Island: Water deeply but less often to encourage strong root systems. Raise your mower height to help shade the grass and conserve moisture.
  • Lower Mainland: Use pest control methods to manage insects like chafer beetles. Install rain barrels to collect water for irrigation.
  • Okanagan: Maintain hydration during hot spells and watch for signs of drought like wilting. Use a summer fertilizer to replenish nutrients lost to frequent mowing and watering.

October – December: Fall Revitalization and Winter Prep

October - December: Fall Revitalization and Winter Prep

October – December: Fall Revitalization and Winter Prep

  • Vancouver Island: Clear away leaves and debris to prevent lawn suffocation and diseases. Aerate and overseed for a healthy start next spring.
  • Lower Mainland: Apply a high-phosphorus fertilizer to strengthen roots and boost winter hardiness. Plant spring bulbs for a colorful bloom next year.
  • Okanagan: As the weather cools, reduce watering but monitor for dry patches. Apply a winterizing fertilizer to protect your lawn during colder months.

By following these seasonal tips, you’ll be equipped to maintain a beautiful, thriving lawn all year round!

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